Source code for netneurotools.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions for making pretty plots and whatnot."""

import os
from typing import Iterable

import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

from .freesurfer import FSIGNORE, _decode_list

def _grid_communities(communities):
    Generate boundaries of `communities`.

    communities : array_like
        Community assignment vector

    bounds : list
        Boundaries of communities
    communities = np.asarray(communities)
    if 0 in communities:
        communities = communities + 1

    comm = communities[np.argsort(communities)]
    bounds = []
    for i in np.unique(comm):
        ind = np.where(comm == i)
        if len(ind) > 0:


    return bounds

[docs]def sort_communities(consensus, communities): """ Sort `communities` in `consensus` according to strength. Parameters ---------- consensus : array_like Correlation matrix communities : array_like Community assignments for `consensus` Returns ------- inds : np.ndarray Index array for sorting `consensus` """ communities = np.asarray(communities) if 0 in communities: communities = communities + 1 bounds = _grid_communities(communities) inds = np.argsort(communities) for n, f in enumerate(bounds[:-1]): i = inds[f:bounds[n + 1]] cco = i[consensus[np.ix_(i, i)].mean(axis=1).argsort()[::-1]] inds[f:bounds[n + 1]] = cco return inds
[docs]def plot_mod_heatmap(data, communities, *, inds=None, edgecolor='black', ax=None, figsize=(6.4, 4.8), xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xlabelrotation=90, ylabelrotation=0, cbar=True, square=True, xticklabels=None, yticklabels=None, mask_diagonal=True, **kwargs): """ Plot `data` as heatmap with borders drawn around `communities`. Parameters ---------- data : (N, N) array_like Correlation matrix communities : (N,) array_like Community assignments for `data` inds : (N,) array_like, optional Index array for sorting `data` within `communities`. If None, these will be generated from `data`. Default: None edgecolor : str, optional Color for lines demarcating community boundaries. Default: 'black' ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axis on which to plot the heatmap. If none provided, a new figure and axis will be created. Default: None figsize : tuple, optional Size of figure to create if `ax` is not provided. Default: (20, 20) {x,y}labels : list, optional List of labels on {x,y}-axis for each community in `communities`. The number of labels should match the number of unique communities. Default: None {x,y}labelrotation : float, optional Angle of the rotation of the labels. Available only if `{x,y}labels` provided. Default : xlabelrotation: 90, ylabelrotation: 0 square : bool, optional Setting the matrix with equal aspect. Default: True {x,y}ticklabels : list, optional Incompatible with `{x,y}labels`. List of labels for each entry (not community) in `data`. Default: None cbar : bool, optional Whether to plot colorbar. Default: True mask_diagonal : bool, optional Whether to mask the diagonal in the plotted heatmap. Default: True kwargs : key-value mapping Keyword arguments for `plt.pcolormesh()` Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axis object containing plot """ for t, label in zip([xticklabels, yticklabels], [xlabels, ylabels]): if t is not None and label is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot set both {x,y}labels and {x,y}ticklabels') # get indices for sorting consensus if inds is None: inds = sort_communities(data, communities) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) # plot data re-ordered based on community and node strength if mask_diagonal: plot_data =, data[np.ix_(inds, inds)]) else: plot_data = data[np.ix_(inds, inds)] coll = ax.pcolormesh(plot_data, edgecolor='none', **kwargs) ax.set(xlim=(0, plot_data.shape[1]), ylim=(0, plot_data.shape[0])) # set equal aspect if square: ax.set_aspect('equal') for side in ['top', 'right', 'left', 'bottom']: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) # invert the y-axis so it looks "as expected" ax.invert_yaxis() # plot the colorbar if cbar: cb = ax.figure.colorbar(coll) if kwargs.get('rasterized', False): cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) # draw borders around communities bounds = _grid_communities(communities) bounds[0] += 0.2 bounds[-1] -= 0.2 for n, edge in enumerate(np.diff(bounds)): ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((bounds[n], bounds[n]), edge, edge, fill=False, linewidth=2, edgecolor=edgecolor)) if xlabels is not None or ylabels is not None: # find the tick locations initloc = _grid_communities(communities) tickloc = [] for loc in range(len(initloc) - 1): tickloc.append(np.mean((initloc[loc], initloc[loc + 1]))) if xlabels is not None: # make sure number of labels match the number of ticks if len(tickloc) != len(xlabels): raise ValueError('Number of labels do not match the number of ' 'unique communities.') else: ax.set_xticks(tickloc) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=xlabels, rotation=xlabelrotation) ax.tick_params(left=False, bottom=False) if ylabels is not None: # make sure number of labels match the number of ticks if len(tickloc) != len(ylabels): raise ValueError('Number of labels do not match the number of ' 'unique communities.') else: ax.set_yticks(tickloc) ax.set_yticklabels(labels=ylabels, rotation=ylabelrotation) ax.tick_params(left=False, bottom=False) if xticklabels is not None: labels_ind = [xticklabels[i] for i in inds] ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(labels_ind)) + 0.5) ax.set_xticklabels(labels_ind, rotation=90) if yticklabels is not None: labels_ind = [yticklabels[i] for i in inds] ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(labels_ind)) + 0.5) ax.set_yticklabels(labels_ind) return ax
[docs]def plot_conte69(data, lhlabel, rhlabel, surf='midthickness', vmin=None, vmax=None, colormap='viridis', colorbar=True, num_labels=4, orientation='horizontal', colorbartitle=None, backgroundcolor=(1, 1, 1), foregroundcolor=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): """ Plot surface `data` on Conte69 Atlas. Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Surface data for N parcels lhlabel : str Path to .gii file (generic GIFTI file) containing labels to N/2 parcels on the left hemisphere rhlabel : str Path to .gii file (generic GIFTI file) containing labels to N/2 parcels on the right hemisphere surf : {'midthickness', 'inflated', 'vinflated'}, optional Type of brain surface. Default: 'midthickness' vmin : float, optional Minimum value to scale the colormap. If None, the min of the data will be used. Default: None vmax : float, optional Maximum value to scale the colormap. If None, the max of the data will be used. Default: None colormap : str, optional Any colormap from matplotlib. Default: 'viridis' colorbar : bool, optional Wheter to display a colorbar. Default: True num_labels : int, optional The number of labels to display on the colorbar. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: 4 orientation : str, optional Defines the orientation of colorbar. Can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: 'horizontal' colorbartitle : str, optional The title of colorbar. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: None backgroundcolor : tuple of float values with RGB code in [0, 1], optional Defines the background color. Default: (1, 1, 1) foregroundcolor : tuple of float values with RGB code in [0, 1], optional Defines the foreground color (e.g., colorbartitle color). Default: (0, 0, 0) kwargs : key-value mapping Keyword arguments for `mayavi.mlab.triangular_mesh()` Returns ------- scene : mayavi.Scene Scene object containing plot """ return plot_fslr(data, lhlabel, rhlabel, surf_atlas='conte69', surf_type=surf, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, colormap=colormap, colorbar=colorbar, num_labels=num_labels, orientation=orientation, colorbartitle=colorbartitle, backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, foregroundcolor=foregroundcolor, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_fslr(data, lhlabel, rhlabel, surf_atlas='conte69', surf_type='midthickness', vmin=None, vmax=None, colormap='viridis', colorbar=True, num_labels=4, orientation='horizontal', colorbartitle=None, backgroundcolor=(1, 1, 1), foregroundcolor=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): """ Plot surface `data` on a given fsLR32k atlas. Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Surface data for N parcels lhlabel : str Path to .gii file (generic GIFTI file) containing labels to N/2 parcels on the left hemisphere rhlabel : str Path to .gii file (generic GIFTI file) containing labels to N/2 parcels on the right hemisphere surf_atlas: {'conte69', 'yerkes19'}, optional Surface atlas on which to plot 'data'. Default: 'conte69' surf_type : {'midthickness', 'inflated', 'vinflated'}, optional Type of brain surface. Default: 'midthickness' vmin : float, optional Minimum value to scale the colormap. If None, the min of the data will be used. Default: None vmax : float, optional Maximum value to scale the colormap. If None, the max of the data will be used. Default: None colormap : str, optional Any colormap from matplotlib. Default: 'viridis' colorbar : bool, optional Wheter to display a colorbar. Default: True num_labels : int, optional The number of labels to display on the colorbar. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: 4 orientation : str, optional Defines the orientation of colorbar. Can be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: 'horizontal' colorbartitle : str, optional The title of colorbar. Available only if colorbar=True. Default: None backgroundcolor : tuple of float values with RGB code in [0, 1], optional Defines the background color. Default: (1, 1, 1) foregroundcolor : tuple of float values with RGB code in [0, 1], optional Defines the foreground color (e.g., colorbartitle color). Default: (0, 0, 0) kwargs : key-value mapping Keyword arguments for `mayavi.mlab.triangular_mesh()` Returns ------- scene : mayavi.Scene Scene object containing plot """ from .datasets import fetch_conte69, fetch_yerkes19 try: from mayavi import mlab except ImportError: raise ImportError('Cannot use plot_fslr() if mayavi is not ' 'installed. Please install mayavi and try again.') from None opts = dict() opts.update(**kwargs) try: if surf_atlas == 'conte69': surface = fetch_conte69()[surf_type] elif surf_atlas == 'yerkes19': surface = fetch_yerkes19()[surf_type] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Provided surf "{}" is not valid. Must be one of ' '[\'midthickness\', \'inflated\', \'vinflated\']' .format(surf_type)) from None lhsurface, rhsurface = [nib.load(s) for s in surface] lhlabels = nib.load(lhlabel).darrays[0].data rhlabels = nib.load(rhlabel).darrays[0].data lhvert, lhface = [ for d in lhsurface.darrays] rhvert, rhface = [ for d in rhsurface.darrays] # add NaNs for medial wall data = np.append(np.nan, data) # get lh and rh data lhdata = np.squeeze(data[lhlabels.astype(int)]) rhdata = np.squeeze(data[rhlabels.astype(int)]) # plot lhplot = mlab.figure() rhplot = mlab.figure() lhmesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(lhvert[:, 0], lhvert[:, 1], lhvert[:, 2], lhface, figure=lhplot, colormap=colormap, mask=np.isnan(lhdata), scalars=lhdata, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **opts) lhmesh.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.nan_color = [0.863, 0.863, 0.863, 1] lhmesh.update_pipeline() if colorbar is True: mlab.colorbar(title=colorbartitle, nb_labels=num_labels, orientation=orientation) rhmesh = mlab.triangular_mesh(rhvert[:, 0], rhvert[:, 1], rhvert[:, 2], rhface, figure=rhplot, colormap=colormap, mask=np.isnan(rhdata), scalars=rhdata, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **opts) rhmesh.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.nan_color = [0.863, 0.863, 0.863, 1] rhmesh.update_pipeline() if colorbar is True: mlab.colorbar(title=colorbartitle, nb_labels=num_labels, orientation=orientation) mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=90, distance=450, figure=lhplot) mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=-90, distance=450, figure=rhplot) mlab.figure(bgcolor=backgroundcolor, fgcolor=foregroundcolor, figure=lhplot) mlab.figure(bgcolor=backgroundcolor, fgcolor=foregroundcolor, figure=rhplot) return lhplot, rhplot
def _get_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir=None): """ Get fsaverage version `subject_id`, fetching if required. Parameters ---------- subject_id : str FreeSurfer subject ID subjects_dir : str, optional Path to FreeSurfer subject directory. If not set, will inherit from the environmental variable $SUBJECTS_DIR. Default: None Returns ------- subject_id : str FreeSurfer subject ID subjects_dir : str Path to subject directory with `subject_id` """ from netneurotools.utils import check_fs_subjid # check for FreeSurfer install w/fsaverage; otherwise, fetch required try: subject_id, subjects_dir = check_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir) except FileNotFoundError: if 'fsaverage' not in subject_id: raise ValueError('Provided subject {} does not exist in provided ' 'subjects_dir {}' .format(subject_id, subjects_dir)) from None from netneurotools.datasets import fetch_fsaverage from netneurotools.datasets.utils import _get_data_dir fetch_fsaverage(subject_id) subjects_dir = os.path.join(_get_data_dir(), 'tpl-fsaverage') subject_id, subjects_dir = check_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir) return subject_id, subjects_dir
[docs]def plot_fsaverage(data, *, lhannot, rhannot, order='lr', mask=None, noplot=None, subject_id='fsaverage', subjects_dir=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot `data` to fsaverage brain using `annot` as parcellation. Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Data for `N` parcels as defined in `annot` lhannot : str Filepath to .annot file containing labels to parcels on the left hemisphere. If a full path is not provided the file is assumed to exist inside the `subjects_dir`/`subject`/label directory. rhannot : str Filepath to .annot file containing labels to parcels on the right hemisphere. If a full path is not provided the file is assumed to exist inside the `subjects_dir`/`subject`/label directory. order : str, optional Order of the hemispheres in the data vector (either 'LR' or 'RL'). Default: 'LR' mask : (N,) array_like, optional Binary array where entries indicate whether values in `data` should be masked from plotting (True = mask; False = show). Default: None noplot : list, optional List of names in `lhannot` and `rhannot` to not plot. It is assumed these are NOT present in `data`. By default 'unknown' and 'corpuscallosum' will never be plotted if they are present in the provided annotation files. Default: None subject_id : str, optional Subject ID to use; must be present in `subjects_dir`. Default: 'fsaverage' subjects_dir : str, optional Path to FreeSurfer subject directory. If not set, will inherit from the environmental variable $SUBJECTS_DIR. Default: None vmin : float, optional Minimum value for colorbar. If not provided, a robust estimation will be used from values in `data`. Default: None vmax : float, optional Maximum value for colorbar. If not provided, a robust estimation will be used from values in `data`. Default: None kwargs : key-value pairs Provided directly to :func:`~.plot_fsvertex` without modification. Returns ------- brain : surfer.Brain Plotted PySurfer brain Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from netneurotools.datasets import fetch_cammoun2012, \ fetch_schaefer2018 >>> from netneurotools.plotting import plot_fsaverage Plotting with the Cammoun 2012 parcellation we specify `order='RL'` because many of the Lausanne connectomes have data for the right hemisphere before the left hemisphere. >>> values = np.random.rand(219) >>> scale = 'scale125' >>> cammoun = fetch_cammoun2012('fsaverage', verbose=False)[scale] >>> plot_fsaverage(values, order='RL', ... lhannot=cammoun.lh, rhannot=cammoun.rh) # doctest: +SKIP Plotting with the Schaefer 2018 parcellation we can use the default parameter for `order`: >>> values = np.random.rand(400) >>> scale = '400Parcels7Networks' >>> schaefer = fetch_schaefer2018('fsaverage', verbose=False)[scale] >>> plot_fsaverage(values, ... lhannot=schaefer.lh, ... rhannot=schaefer.rh) # doctest: +SKIP """ subject_id, subjects_dir = _get_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir) # cast data to float (required for NaNs) data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float') order = order.lower() if order not in ('lr', 'rl'): raise ValueError('order must be either \'lr\' or \'rl\'') if mask is not None and len(mask) != len(data): raise ValueError('Provided mask must be the same length as data.') if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanpercentile(data, 2.5) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanpercentile(data, 97.5) # parcels that should not be included in parcellation drop = FSIGNORE.copy() if noplot is not None: if isinstance(noplot, str): noplot = [noplot] drop += list(noplot) drop = _decode_list(drop) vtx_data = [] for annot, hemi in zip((lhannot, rhannot), ('lh', 'rh')): # loads annotation data for hemisphere, including vertex `labels`! if not annot.startswith(os.path.abspath(os.sep)): annot = os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'label', annot) labels, ctab, names = nib.freesurfer.read_annot(annot) names = _decode_list(names) # get appropriate data, accounting for hemispheric asymmetry currdrop = np.intersect1d(drop, names) if hemi == 'lh': if order == 'lr': split_id = len(names) - len(currdrop) ldata, rdata = np.split(data, [split_id]) if mask is not None: lmask, rmask = np.split(mask, [split_id]) elif order == 'rl': split_id = len(data) - len(names) + len(currdrop) rdata, ldata = np.split(data, [split_id]) if mask is not None: rmask, lmask = np.split(mask, [split_id]) hemidata = ldata if hemi == 'lh' else rdata # our `data` don't include the "ignored" parcels but our `labels` do, # so we need to account for that. find the label ids that correspond to # those and set them to NaN in the `data vector` inds = sorted([names.index(n) for n in currdrop]) for i in inds: hemidata = np.insert(hemidata, i, np.nan) vtx = hemidata[labels] # let's also mask data, if necessary if mask is not None: maskdata = lmask if hemi == 'lh' else rmask maskdata = np.insert(maskdata, inds - np.arange(len(inds)), np.nan) vtx[maskdata[labels] > 0] = np.nan vtx_data.append(vtx) brain = plot_fsvertex(np.hstack(vtx_data), order='lr', mask=None, subject_id=subject_id, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) return brain
[docs]def plot_fsvertex(data, *, order='lr', surf='pial', views='lat', vmin=None, vmax=None, center=None, mask=None, colormap='viridis', colorbar=True, alpha=0.8, label_fmt='%.2f', num_labels=3, size_per_view=500, subject_id='fsaverage', subjects_dir=None, data_kws=None, **kwargs): """ Plot vertex-wise `data` to fsaverage brain. Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Data for `N` parcels as defined in `annot` order : {'lr', 'rl'}, optional Order of the hemispheres in the data vector. Default: 'lr' surf : str, optional Surface on which to plot data. Default: 'pial' views : str or list, optional Which views to plot of brain. Default: 'lat' vmin : float, optional Minimum value for colorbar. If not provided, a robust estimation will be used from values in `data`. Default: None vmax : float, optional Maximum value for colorbar. If not provided, a robust estimation will be used from values in `data`. Default: None center : float, optional Center of colormap, if desired. Default: None mask : (N,) array_like, optional Binary array where entries indicate whether values in `data` should be masked from plotting (True = mask; False = show). Default: None colormap : str, optional Which colormap to use for plotting `data`. Default: 'viridis' colorbar : bool, optional Whether to display the colorbar in the plot. Default: True alpha : [0, 1] float, optional Transparency of plotted `data`. Default: 0.8 label_fmt : str, optional Format of colorbar labels. Default: '%.2f' number_of_labels : int, optional Number of labels to display on colorbar. Default: 3 size_per_view : int, optional Size, in pixels, of each frame in the plotted display. Default: 1000 subjects_dir : str, optional Path to FreeSurfer subject directory. If not set, will inherit from the environmental variable $SUBJECTS_DIR. Default: None subject : str, optional Subject ID to use; must be present in `subjects_dir`. Default: 'fsaverage' data_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments for Brain.add_data() Returns ------- brain : surfer.Brain Plotted PySurfer brain """ # hold off on imports until try: from surfer import Brain except ImportError: raise ImportError('Cannot use plot_fsaverage() if pysurfer is not ' 'installed. Please install pysurfer and try again.') from None subject_id, subjects_dir = _get_fs_subjid(subject_id, subjects_dir) # cast data to float (required for NaNs) data = np.asarray(data, dtype='float') # handle data_kws if None if data_kws is None: data_kws = {} if mask is not None and len(mask) != len(data): raise ValueError('Provided mask must be the same length as data.') order = order.lower() if order not in ['lr', 'rl']: raise ValueError('Specified order must be either \'lr\' or \'rl\'') if vmin is None: vmin = np.nanpercentile(data, 2.5) if vmax is None: vmax = np.nanpercentile(data, 97.5) # set up brain views if not isinstance(views, (np.ndarray, list)): views = [views] # size of window will depend on # of views provided size = (size_per_view * 2, size_per_view * len(views)) brain_kws = dict(background='white', size=size) brain_kws.update(**kwargs) brain = Brain(subject_id=subject_id, hemi='split', surf=surf, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, views=views, **brain_kws) hemis = ('lh', 'rh') if order == 'lr' else ('rh', 'lh') for n, (hemi, vtx_data) in enumerate(zip(hemis, np.split(data, 2))): # let's mask data, if necessary if mask is not None: maskdata = np.asarray(np.split(mask, 2)[n], dtype=bool) vtx_data[maskdata] = np.nan # we don't want NaN values plotted so set a threshold if they exist thresh, nanmask = None, np.isnan(vtx_data) if np.any(nanmask) > 0: thresh = np.nanmin(vtx_data) - 1 vtx_data[nanmask] = thresh thresh += 0.5 # finally, add data to this hemisphere! brain.add_data(vtx_data, vmin, vmax, hemi=hemi, mid=center, thresh=thresh, alpha=1.0, remove_existing=False, colormap=colormap, colorbar=colorbar, verbose=False, **data_kws) if alpha != 1.0: surf = brain.data_dict[hemi]['surfaces'] for _, s in enumerate(surf): = alpha s.render() # if we have a colorbar, update parameters accordingly if colorbar: # update label format, as desired surf = brain.data_dict[hemi]['surfaces'] cmap = brain.data_dict[hemi]['colorbars'] # this updates the format of the colorbar labels if label_fmt is not None: for n, cm in enumerate(cmap): cm.scalar_bar.label_format = label_fmt surf[n].render() # this updates how many labels are shown on the colorbar if num_labels is not None: for n, cm in enumerate(cmap): cm.scalar_bar.number_of_labels = num_labels surf[n].render() return brain
[docs]def plot_point_brain(data, coords, views=None, views_orientation='vertical', views_size=(4, 2.4), cbar=False, robust=True, size=50, **kwargs): """ Plot `data` as a cloud of points in 3D space based on specified `coords`. Parameters ---------- data : (N,) array_like Data for an `N` node parcellation; determines color of points coords : (N, 3) array_like x, y, z coordinates for `N` node parcellation views : list, optional List specifying which views to use. Can be any of {'sagittal', 'sag', 'coronal', 'cor', 'axial', 'ax'}. If not specified will use 'sagittal' and 'axial'. Default: None views_orientation: str, optional Orientation of the views. Can be either 'vertical' or 'horizontal'. Default: 'vertical'. views_size : tuple, optional Figure size of each view. Default: (4, 2.4) cbar : bool, optional Whether to also show colorbar. Default: False robust : bool, optional Whether to use robust calculation of `vmin` and `vmax` for color scale. size : int, optional Size of points on plot. Default: 50 **kwargs Key-value pairs passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axis.scatter` Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` """ _views = dict(sagittal=(0, 180), sag=(0, 180), axial=(90, 180), ax=(90, 180), coronal=(0, 90), cor=(0, 90)) x, y, z = coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2] if views is None: views = [_views[f] for f in ['sagittal', 'axial']] else: if not isinstance(views, Iterable) or isinstance(views, str): views = [views] views = [_views[f] for f in views] if views_orientation == 'vertical': ncols, nrows = 1, len(views) elif views_orientation == 'horizontal': ncols, nrows = len(views), 1 figsize = (ncols * views_size[0], nrows * views_size[1]) # create figure and axes (3d projections) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, figsize=figsize, subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d')) opts = dict(linewidth=0.5, edgecolor='gray', cmap='viridis') if robust: vmin, vmax = np.percentile(data, [2.5, 97.5]) opts.update(dict(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)) opts.update(kwargs) # iterate through saggital/axial views and plot, rotating as needed for n, view in enumerate(views): # if only one view then axes is not a list! ax = axes[n] if len(views) > 1 else axes # make the actual scatterplot and update the view / aspect ratios col = ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=data, s=size, **opts) ax.view_init(*view) ax.axis('off') scaling = np.array([ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim(), ax.get_zlim()]) ax.set_box_aspect(tuple(scaling[:, 1] - scaling[:, 0])) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) # add colorbar to axes if cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(col, ax=axes.flatten(), drawedges=False, shrink=0.7) cbar.outline.set_linewidth(0) return fig